Friday, December 22, 2023

Long ramp, lots of daily progress

 This is weird.  It's weird because even now that I'm doing exactly what needs doing, it's still taking a long time.  I'm hitting these exercises in exactly the right spot at a super high dose (an hour per day).  I am seeing huge improvement daily, and it feels like I will keep doing this for maybe another three to four weeks.   There will be a point sometime in the future where I've squeezed everything I can out of this regimen.  I'm hoping that's the point at which I'll have stereopsis.  It almost feels like everything I've done prior to this has been bullshit.  It's a little frustrating.  12 years of bullshit.  Oh well.  Better late than never.  

But at the same time, it's extremely exciting to think that even with the amount with which I've seen improvement, there is far more improvement to come.  

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