Monday, August 12, 2013

#65 session

Today's session went alright.  The changes that I noticed from the past few days are still there with me.  One of the noticeable things about the light tube was the accommodation difference.  It was still there, but as I continued through the normal 20 minutes, it diminished quite a bit.  A bit of effort that I used was to control accommodation for each eye simultaneously.  That requires quite a bit of conscious effort.  You look at both circles, and for the one that's out of focus, you give it more attention and you will for it to come into focus, and as that happens the other images goes out of focus, and then you repeat it for the other eye until you have found a way to distribute your attention to accommodate both of the images simultaneously.  I think of this as sort of analogous to playing the guitar and singing simultaneously.  Incidentally, I can't do that, but I can try and get both images in sync.

Aside from that, I did fight hypertropia quite a lot, especially as the accommodation for each eye approached parity.  I am hoping and expecting to see massive gains as the week goes by.

Saccades went great.  They were probably the best they'd been.  They're very fast, and not 100% accurate.

I have been sticking my face into my Magic Eye book and amazingly I still don't have any ability to see what's beyond the pages.  I say that it is amazing, because my apparent depth perception is pretty good.  Things look pretty depthy when close up.  My roommate threw my keys at me the other day, and I caught them with an ease that was completely foreign to me.  My usual reaction to "Andrew, catch!" is abject horror.  I guess it means that, yes, my depth perception is way better than it ever was, but it can still improve quite a bit more.

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