I'm still noticing continual improvement, but I've got my eye on the objective markers (distance between double images, and difference in accommodation for different eyes). Make no mistake, my vision is now at the best place it's ever been. But there's still quite a bit of work to do. I may get back into reading again, but doing so with electrodes strapped on my occipital lobes (tDCS).
Haven't used it in a while, but there is definitely scientific studies behind it which suggest it may help with making changes to one's visual system, so I'm curious to see whether this has any impact. It sounds a little crazy to run current through your head in this way, but it's only about 2 milliampers, which is the amount of current that's going through your head at any given moment anyway. Plus, the US military uses tDCS to save time on training people by increasing the effectiveness of their brains. The US military definitely wouldn't do anything dangerous to its own people, right?