Even just now. It almost feels like I have normal vision now. The double vision images are very close together. At some point (maybe a few months or so), they will likely fuse. It will be a day when that happens.
It's a little funky. I would have thought that as my eyes gain parity with one another that it would become harder to improve, because the improvement would be harder to find. The opposite turns out to be the the case.
As I improve and as the muscle grows, improvement becomes easier: because my sense of what binocular posture is is continually growing. Initially, it began as nothing, as a spec--as an microscopic blastocyst. However, over time, it just grew. And grew, and grew. Now it's as large as it has ever been, and my skills, and my resolution of the problem are at the highest place ever, making it easier to nitpick, and notice little issues as they present themselves, so I can easily direct my attention to them and squash them in their place.
In the past few weeks, the most excitement-generating developments have been in the objective markers of improvement: such as cosmetics (the appearance of my eyes, for instance), and the disparity and distance of how far apart the double images are. It's kind of like a back-and-forth deal. One week it might be objective markers generating excitement. The next week it will be subjective markers of improvement: I'll suddenly notice improved depth perception, or increased brightness, and field of vision.