Thursday, February 1, 2024

Game-blyopia and red light

 Damn, I'm an idiot.  I was reading some past entries and thinking about Heather and Robert and about standard vision therapy and began looking at the Bernell site and perhaps looking into adding some standard vision therapy to my regimen.  This is embarrassing... but for a while I was thinking about how the right-side image during Columns is a bit weaker than the left-hand side.  Then it struck me that it's the weak eye--the lazy eye.  Then I thought about ways of increasing its strength.  

I did some searching.  One method is patching.  Another is tranaglyphs.  

I think Columns helps because it forces you to use both eyes.  But what about exercises that are explicitly for getting both eyes working together.  I went on the Apple Store on the iPad to find some anti-suppression exercises.  I found a game called GamE-blyopia, and bought it.  It uses some red/green filter glasses I bought the previous day.  It's got a number of games.  I just got done playing anti-suppression Snake for like an hour.  I got super close to beating it.  

I think moving forward, I'm going to do 30 minutes Columns, and 30 minutes GamE-blyopia.  

I feel like even though I've only done a few sessions this way, I'm making very rapid progress.  The idea with the game is that I can only see the snake with the lazy eye and only see the food the snake eats with the left eye.  It feels weird and a bit uncomfortable, but I do feel like I'm making very rapid progress.  I'm excited.  I've played games like this in the past but I think now it's going to work, because of all of the new things I'm doing now to help the brain change, like the cold exposure, keto, Nicotine, and red light therapy.  

Heh, it's all coming together.  My brain... feels like it's on fire now.  Been reading about the Russian revolution.  

Oh yeah, and red light therapy.  That shit works.  I was a bit skeptical about it.  Did a bunch of searches on it, and read a lot of 'red light therapy may improve cognitive function, may smoothen skin and assuage skin imperfections and wrinkles, may reduce inflammation...'.  Then I saw a few videos about Andrew Huberman talking about it who advocates red light therapy and I said 'ok, let's try this.'.  

It works.  It's hard to say the biggest thing it does, because the effects are comprehensive.  This is probably because they say the mechanism of action is on the mitocondria.  Apparently it helps with the generation of ATP.  When I read about that, I thought 'hmmm, if that's the case, then the effects should be very general and comprehensive all around the body, because mitocondria function is central to all aspects of our biology'.  Indeed, that appears to be the case.  

I do feel like I have quite a bit more energy.  As I sit here writing this, part of me wants to get up and move, and lift weights and swing some kettlebells around or something.  My appetite has increased a bit.  As well, I have gotten leaner.  Normally on Monday I will look at myself shirtless in the mirror to inspect damage from weekend eating.  Actually, I noticed I'm quite a bit leaner.  I kinda have a six-pack now, actually, and picking up my buddy from the airport, he confirmed that I appear leaner.  I think my skin has smoothened as well, and I do feel like my brain is functioning on a much higher level.  This stuff be cray.  

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