Sunday, February 18, 2024

Cold exposure fast--regimen is definitely working

 My current regimen is definitely working.  The changes I've been noticing were particularly pronounced yesterday with VR and driving around.  More and more often I find myself noting to myself 'My double vision is nearly gone.'.

The things I'm doing with my body are definitely powerful.  Particularly, the red light therapy.  What an interesting thing that is.  I did not expect the effects to be so pronounced and obvious.  It really very quickly had a significant improvement on my body composition.  Namely, I lost of a lot of fat, particularly around the abdomen, but around the body as well--noticing better pop with the veins in my arms--and I can feel the underlying muscles pushing against my skin.  I can also see the difference in the mirror when I have my shirt off.  

I think the red light therapy has a sort of steroid effect.  If you don't know, the way steroids increase muscle mass is that they improve the body's ability to recover.  So when you work out hard, the body recovers quickly, and effectively so that when it's time to work out again, the muscles are ready to rip.  And then you can work out even harder, which then produces an even stronger signal for them to build back even stronger, and so on.  If you do steroids and don't work out, you don't get any benefit.  

Well I think red light therapy works in a similar way, but without having an impact on hormones.  From what I've read, it doesn't increase testosterone or impact hormones in any appreciable way, which is somewhat surprising to me.  What it does do, however, is that it appears to very substantively improve recovery and healing.  One of the surprising things I noticed is that my workouts got much easier.  I can do way more push-ups than normal.  I don't normally count.  I normally do push-ups to failure.  I just noticed I have way more in me to do more when I'm at the point where I normally tap out.  Same with pull-ups and deadlifts.  So I'm able to do more, which then sends a stronger than normal stimulus to my body to build muscle in a way that's similar to steroids, but without messing with the endocrine system.   

However, working out harder is also a bit harder on the body.  I've begun to notice some soreness at the point where my latissimus dorsi meets the tendon.  A buddy was telling me I should maybe consider taking a break from the cold plunge because it can interfere with recovery.  Apparently, the anti-inflammatory effects of cold exposure are so powerful that they can interfere with recovery/healing, and inflammation is an important part of healing.  So I'm kind of fasting on cold exposure and also taking a break from the workouts until the soreness goes away.  Man.  This is powerful stuff.  

Aside from that, everything is looking good.  I've made massive progress since I began doing Game-Blyopia.  Taking this one day at a time.  Excited to see how things are in a few weeks.  Progress is still noticeable on a daily basis.  

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