Sunday, January 14, 2024

Lots going on behind the scenes; I think I ODed on Matcha

Things are moving quickly.  I just got done with a session of Columns.  When switching from side to side, I noticed a few things: one is that both sides are becoming equivalent to one another in terms of size.  The left side was always bigger and sharper (which I assumed was due to hyperopia and difference in refractive index on the right side).  However, today, they seemed surprisingly equivalent.  Also, the accommodation was close to being the same.  There is some minor adjustments that I have to make, but it was minor.  A month ago, it would take me around 45 minutes to get both sides to be somewhat the same in terms of clarity.  This means the workouts are working.  I wasn't sure how things would look as I progressed.  But now I kinda know.  It's like it's all becoming one eye, and the paper is moving around less.  It feels like I'm definitely making good, and rapid progress toward eventual fusion.  Lots is going on in software behind the scenes.   

What else.  No one told me how powerful Matcha is.  A buddy convinced me to try Matcha, and holy god.  That stuff is... bananas.  Er... green tea leaves, rather.  I did not expect it to be so powerful.  I normally drink huge quantities of green tea, because I like the taste; it's good for hydration (I drink around two liters a day--I make it with my French press), and it has a good mild stimulant effect.  I read that Matcha is like green tea, but cranked up several levels.  It has all the health and energetic benefits of green tea, but way, way more intense, because you're not just drinking the juices of the leaves: you're drinking the leaves whole.  

Well, the first day I tried it, I threw it up with my entire breakfast.  I had way too much of it.  A serving is one teaspoon.  I had a few glasses, each with heaping tablespoon.  This stuff doesn't mess around.  Next day (today) I tried it again, but only one glass, but still with a heaping tablespoon, and this time I would have it on an empty stomach.  I threw that one up as well.  Tomorrow I'll try again, but only a single serving with a single teaspoon on an empty stomach.  

But what about the effects?  Well, I can see what the fuss is about.  Matcha gives you quite a lot of long-lasting, sustained, and focused energy.  And to boot, it has nice appetite-suppressive effects.  One of the reasons I'm generally so vigilant about eating breakfast is because of the energy breakfast provides.  But if I can get those same energy effects from a glass of Matcha, I might do Matcha instead of breakfast.  Then I can get the energy benefits of breakfast, alongside the benefits of fasting (of which there are many), along with all the health benefits of Matcha (of which there are many).  This might be an interesting experiment.  

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