Sunday, July 30, 2023

May need some additional tweaking

Progress is still occurring very rapidly.   

I did notice something that I may attempt to rectify, which is a difference in refractive index for each lens.  My right eye can see better from a distance, and my left eye sees better up close.  It's not merely an accommodation reflex thing either, because I notice this even when I compare the two eyes one at a time: with one eye closed.  So I'm thinking I may go to an optometrist to get correction so both eyes see near and far the same.    I'm sure that would help... the question is whether it's really necessary.  I may just power through it as I've done so many things in the past.  Maybe wait a week or two, and see whether that takes me.  

It's definitely the case, that as vision improves as a whole, I encounter new problems, which then have to be dealt with.  It's like a crazy staircase of problem after problem.  But there is no denying that I have climbed very high.  There's no place to go other than up. 

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