Monday, October 23, 2023

Wow, feels like I'm really close now

 Wow wow wow.  This feels good, like this is going to come soon.  This is like the third time in two weeks when I noticed my vision was massively improved in a single day.  My eyes seem to work really well now, even switching my eyes from my monitor off to the distance works pretty well (diplopia is still there when looking off in the distance, but getting much lower).  

I am currently in a stage of some jerkiness as mentioned before, because I am making constant conscious adjustments.  It's a lot of work, but not that exhausting (though I suspect I will sleep well tonight).  It really feels weird and different and I notice my eyes are doing a lot of what they're supposed to without conscious intention.  I still need to use my consciousness to steer, but much of it is now done without the need of my consciousness.

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