Friday, October 20, 2023

Skipped a few days, got kind of drunk

 Last time I noticed huge changes was three days ago.  The vision was still good in the preceding days, but hadn't noticed any real changes until today again--and it's still only midday.  So today is going to be great, and I'm looking forward to seeing (heh) what happens. 

Not a whole lot to say that wouldn't be redundant.  On mind in particular is how my vision feels.  It's like this thing--the I--the homunculus is kind of shifting between my eyes.  I know where he's supposed to be.  He's supposed lying flat--prone--between the two eyes.  And I can kind of squash him down at will, and when I do, it feels freaking amazing.  It's impossible to describe.  

As I look at the text as I write this, I am notice a very small amount of difference in size and clarity of the text for the double images.  If my vision feels this good right now, even with diplopia, it's hard to imagine how great it's going to feel when it's completely gone.  As I look around at the objects, I am noticing the diplopia is very close to being gone (the overlaying of the double images are closer together now than they ever have been--by a significant margin--even compared to yesterday--so I'm very excited to get out and walk and use my vision).  

I did get kind of drunk last night.  That's supposed to be bad for the brain--and health in general--so I do drink in moderation--maybe a few times a week, socially.  Very occasionally--maybe two times a year--I will get properly shitfaced.  That does seem to have an impact on vision--a positive impact on vision the next day.  I'm not sure why, but that won't stop me from speculating.  And of course, I'm not advocating people go on benders to accelerate results in vision therapy.  But here goes.  

I have noticed, generally, that I will see significant improvements in results the day after a significant system shock.  Pulling multiple all-nighters in a row would be an example of a system shock.  It's really not good for you, and I'm not advocating doing it.  But there are times when it happens and it's fact of life that sometimes it's unavoidable.  But once it's done and I've had a day or two for recovery, I'll notice significant improvement in my vision.  Getting properly shitfaced would be another example of a system shock.  I suspect something similar is going on with cold exposure when one submerges his body in 33º F water for five minutes.  If you've done it, you know that it is a system shock--although undoubtedly healthier and more sustainable than benders or acute sleep deprivation.  So I suspect there's some kind of hormetic effect going on--and that might be part of what's going on.  

Since I noticed that relationship between a good shit-facing, and improved vision the succeeding day, that got me curious about what kind of impact a good shit-facing has on the brain.  So I ran some queries and found this. 

Acute doses of alcohol impair memory when administered before encoding of emotionally neutral stimuli but enhance memory when administered immediately after encoding, potentially by affecting memory consolidation. Here, we examined whether alcohol produces similar biphasic effects on memory for positive or negative emotional stimuli.

So it seems that there is some science in the idea that a good shit-facing can enhance memory consolidation after memories have been made.  

That would definitely seem to jibe with my own personal experience.  When I do vision workouts, I'm imprinting memories on my visual system, and making changes to my brain.  Then afterwards, I'll brine my neurons a bit with some ethanol, and thus consolidate those changes.  Again, not saying one should do this.  Just noticing.

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