Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Powering through aniseikonia

 Man... messing with VR has been wild lately.  It does appear to be doing a lot of work as of late.  I'm noticing depth more and more with objects further out.  I can definitely notice depth with the rear of the gun (as you hold it out in front of you).  But I'm now noticing it more and more with other objects.  Things are definitely changing.  

I'd mentioned in previous entries that the power of the input for each eye is not the same, and that text size and clarity is different for each eye.  It's actually hard to say which eye it was that looks better for close-up objects at the moment.   I think it's probably left.  That's how much things have changed.

I think that's one of the things I've noticed as I improve generally, there is more equality between the two eyes.  How is that happening?  Is it because because they're being used equally, and so their strength becomes somewhat equal through equal use?  Or is it because of the underlying neurology?  For instance, perhaps the optical power isn't changing for the eyes themselves, but the signal being received in the visual cortex is changing as a result of stronger, more robust neural pathway. 

That's kind of the crazy thing about the eyes.  A lot can be done in software.  The brain is a bit different from a computer, because with computers there's a hard line between software and hardware.  With the brain, it's all wetware, which physically changes as you make changes to your program.

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