Sunday, August 27, 2023

Painful lesson

 I think I'm going to wait on optics correction as mentioned in the previous entry.  Seeing very fast changes as of late.  As long as improvement is swift, I'm happy.  

It's somewhat painful to learn that this journey has taken so long because of my shitty brain.  Well.  It's not really shitty.  It just was in a very suboptimal state needed for changes that my goals required.  If I had known about cold therapy 12 years ago, I would have likely been done a long time ago.  

Don't get me wrong.  I learned a lot about my visual system, and have become very intimate and familiar with it--as well as my nervous system in general--and about mental energy, diet, and neuroplasticity.  So it wasn't really wasted effort.  

Indeed, how on Earth could my past self possibly had known that the challenge of completing the development of my visual system required submerging my body in ice water for four minutes every day?  It doesn't seem exactly obvious.  I guess I'm just extremely happy and grateful that I eventually figured it out.  That is the common recurring theme in my life.  I arrive to the party late.  I'm very lucky to be a weird, and curious guy.  Curiosity has gotten me in trouble in the past--make no bones about that--but on net, it's been an invaluable boon in my determination to have an interesting life.  My life will never be the same after having made this discovery.  I hope it can be of use to others as well.

There is a meta lesson somewhere in here.  Experiment, experiment, experiment.  Always remain open to new information.  Experimentation is the only way you can find out what works.  Question everything.  And I mean everything.  Obviously, you have to hold onto some ideas and take them for granted as true--in order for it to be possible to navigate through life.  But even the things that you've become confident about, and which you've always relied upon for success--periodically, you should question it.  Be critical.  Always.

"It ain't the things you don't know that you get you in trouble.  It's the things you know for sure that just ain't so." -- Mark Twain

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