Saturday, September 10, 2022

Stupid observation

I recently noticed the double images for the right eye are pretty close to parity now with the left eye--in terms of size, power, but also sharpness--accommodation.  And it seems that the more my vision improves generally, the more in-sync the accommodation is--where it's getting to the point where both eyes are pointing at the same spot in space while simultaneously being able to accommodate down on the object which is the object of attention.  

Well, no shit, right?  Kind of seems obvious--that this is the way it has to be--this is the end goal.  It can't be said that I have normal vision unless my visual system is doing this.  

It seems this is what my exercises are doing, particularly the reading.  I'm focusing on one side, and then 'switching' to the other--but each time it's a little less switching.  And I can kind of use my focus while reading so that I can really get the most out of the workout by really squashing my eyes down on the text with both eyes.  I think each cycle with which I'm doing this is keeping both eyes on more and more, so that, in time, there will be no switching.

Progress is still occurring at a pretty rapid clip.

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