Monday, March 28, 2022

Another massive improvement today

 I think I still have a ways to go, but I did notice a rather giant improvement in my vision today.  It felt like it improved quite a lot during the day.  It's a few things.  Much improved accuracy and less adjusting when switching my gaze from one thing to another, and also the way that my eyes feel when looking around.  Super exciting.  I played VR for about three hours yesterday.  Wonder if that had something to do with it.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Watching a lot of TV in my free time

 Lately, I've been watching a lot of TV in my free time to the exclusion of other things, like playing VR and working on the house.  This is because I think it is time well spent.

I spent quite a bit of time looking at people's faces, and then switching back to my thumb, and then to the window to my left, which is intermediate in distance of my thumb and the TV.  So I can switch between these objects with regularly improving accuracy.  The double vision is always there, but it's improving quite a bit at a regular clip.  

Really what I'm focusing on is improvement, and the feeling that is now associated with building the  muscle that is my binocular posture: wearing in the groove.  I know what the feeling is now.  It took so long to develop a sense of what it is, and now that I have it, I can't ignore it.  I just want to work on it with every spare moment and press down on it as hard as I can, until I've achieved my goals.  Now that I know what to do, it's hard for me stop doing it, and it's hard to me to justify spending my time doing other things.

I'm still experimenting a lot with the different ways in which I look at the TV, and really trying to focus through both eyes.  It's pretty tricky, because the two eyes are not equal.  The left eye input is a still a bit bigger and clearer, but perhaps this is stretching things, and getting me closer.  When I split my attention between the eyes it does feel good, and this is what I'm using as a guide.  I still do play a fair bit of VR, and I've noticed the 3d effects are getting much more powerful as a consequence of these exercises, decreased suppression, and improved gaze accuracy.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Extremely excited

 There's not much to say, really.  Just that I'm really, really excited about what's happening now. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Wow, it feels like fusion is imminent

In terms of the quality of my vision from yesterday to today, I've seen quite a large leap.  

It's just... in previous entries I've talked about doing what 'feels good'.  Well, I've been noticing that I'm able to do that a lot.  I just picked up some food while driving, and my vision felt really good.  It's this 'feeling good' doing something that I'm not quite accustomed to, but which I'm getting more and more accustomed to as I wear the groove.  And the double images were much closer together (by quite a bit) than ever before.  Those two things together: that feel-good vision, and double images that are so much closer than ever before... has me excited and anxious.  The 'feel-good' is a good guide, I find.  Certainly applies to more than vision therapy.  

Fusion feels imminent.  What's going to happen when it does?  Is 3d going to 'pop-in' as I hope it does?  We're going to find out.  

Oh yeah, the double images are gaining parity.  That's what I really care about: not, per se, having super vision on both eyes, but to have both eyes be equal.  Left eye is a bit better (seems larger, and clearer) still... but... who knows.  We'll see how important that is in a bit.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

What am I up to? | more

When I say that I've been watching TV, I actually mean Youtube.  Lots of good shit on there.  But I don't passively watch it.  I'm doing vision therapy while watching.  That's the entire point: paying close attention to my vision and the way that it feels, and trying to get it so I hit the sweet spot where it 'feels good', and I know that I'm doing something right with the vision.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

What am I up to?

I've been watching a lot of TV a fair bit these days instead of reading books or playing games in VR. I've been doing this because I've been noticing that it's easy to do vision therapy while watching TV.   

A conversation comes to mind: one that I had with Heather probably eight years ago or so.  She's someone who was born stereoblind, like myself, but who gained stereopsis through vision therapy.  I've talked about her quite a bit in the past.  She's actually the reason for this blog and it's why this blog is called Vision Therapy With Syntonics even though I haven't done Syntonics in a LONG time.  She told me about Syntonics.  She seems to think that it did something to her brain which vastly accelerated vision therapy results.  

Anyway.  She said that one of the exercises she did was called Columns, which you have a sheet with columns of letters with a cardboard divider.  You would switch from one eye to another while reading the columns going from the outside to the inside.  I actually made a crappy video explaining it here.  It's quite nice.

She said that this was the exercise she was doing when her vision really began to come in.  She said that when she did the exercise that 'it felt good'.  

That's what I've been thinking about.  Now, when I know when I'm doing things with my vision that's productive.  It feels good.  That's the feeling I have when I am able to produce good binocular posture when watching TV these days, and that's why I've been choosing this activity over others as of recent.