Friday, June 21, 2013

#14 session

This was a pretty good session.  It was in the Goldilocks zone: not too hard, not too easy.  I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way until I have full stereo function.  This is because the hypertropia diminishes and the more control I have over the eye, the less correction I have to do, but the more actively I correct it.  So the result is that the stress level/exhaustiveness factor during the workout stays roughly the same.

There's not a whole lot to report on this session.  I made the decision that I am going to increase the number of minutes I spend on saccades from eight minutes to 12 minutes.  I've noticed that it's around the eight minute mark that the accuracy and speed improves significantly.  So I figure if I can give myself a few more minutes in that high-functioning zone, my brain may get accustomed to working that way and therefore, might want to continue doing it throughout the day.

There is an idea that I want to explore a little, which seems to be generally true: it's this idea that the visual system has a finite amount of energy available to work with at any given moment.  This is something that Michael Lievens talked to me about.  He said that this is why it's a good idea for many people who need corrective lenses to get special contact lenses and eyewear when doing vision therapy.  So for instance, if you can make it easier on your vision system by correcting farsightedness on one eye, that's less crap that your vision system has to deal with as a whole, and as a result there's more energy left for dealing with other aspects of vision, such as fusion.  I think this is one of the reasons why my old vision therapist wanted me to accommodate for my hypertropia with prisms: in order to save energy for the whole system so I could focus on other things, like fusion, vergence, and accommodation.

One of the reasons why I suspect this syntonics stuff is so effective is because it's correcting many different aspects of the vision simultaneously.  For instance, one of the main things it's correcting in my case is hypertropia.  The reason I talk so much about it is because it's the most easily detectable aspects of vision for me.  But there are other aspects that syntonics improves (as talked about in science papers) like the proportion of the retina that is usable by the brain.  When these issues are fixed, I suspect that there will be a lot more energy available at any given time for my brain to use in order to achieve fusion.  There won't be need for constant corrective action on the hypertropia so more energy will be available for fusion, vergence, and accommodation.

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