Monday, July 25, 2022

Massive improvement this weekend

I didn't do much VT over the late part of last week.  But I had been doing quite a bit of reading the previous week due to the vagaries of my job.  I was on-call, which involves a lot of waiting around.  During that waiting time (and sometimes there are extended periods of it), I would spend that time reading.  So... probably reading on average like six hours a day.  

Well, that weekend a buddy came to visit me in Austin, TX.  We ended up to Barton Springs.  Went out to eat.  Ended up walking around Whole Foods for a bit.  When I was there, I was suddenly aware of how vivid things were, and how much more information my eyes were taking in.  It's probably due to the way those types of stores are constructed to grab attention.  It was like a sudden jump in improvement.  I actually mentioned it to him (he knows about my condition). 

It's kind of as though there was a delay in the change of the quality of my vision from all the work I had done the previous week to the change in vision that I have now.  The reading + VR is definitely working.  Holy carp, it is working.  I can also tell from the objective markers (looking at myself in the mirror and seeing the distance of the double images), as well as getting to parity between the eyes.  And then there's the subjective, which is much more powerful signal coming in from the right eye.  So both have seen massive improvement.  Very excited.  I'm expecting lots of new exciting news in the weeks to come. 

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