Saturday, December 11, 2021

Summary of this week

Bananas | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Progress is accelerating, and I think it will continue to accelerate until I'm done.  

There was a day during the middle of the week when I had a sudden realization of how much my vision has improved.  I notice it generally when looking around, and with increased brightness, and field of vision.  But now that I think of it, it's also the stuff that I'm not really looking at as well.  When I notice my peripheral vision.  I can see my arms and the double images of them are coming together.  

And then, most of all, it's my feet.  The discrepancy of the distance of the double images varies depending on where I'm looking.  My feet, in particular, have always worried me, because the distance of the double images of my feet were always so far apart.  I think it was yesterday that I looked down at my feet and the double images have come together so much.  It is shocking how much improvement I've seen here.  This is an objective marker of improvement.  And bear in mind, I haven't been doing vision therapy.  This progress is a result of me figuring out how to practice proper binocular posture, knowing when I'm pressing down on the muscle, and when I'm not, and then making a conscious decision to do it when I have the available mental bandwidth. 

So that's how I do 'vision therapy'.  And increasingly I'm able to do it for longer and longer periods of the day.  When playing VR games, or watching TV, or going out for walks.  And holy crap, is my vision improving as a result.

And what's crazy is how fast this progress has occurred.  It really feels like it has happened suddenly--like--as in the past four weeks or so.  Really seems to coincide with the improved grasp on my vision which I seem to have only very recently developed.  Very excited to see what improvement happens in the coming weeks.  The eyes really are really a freaking amazing organ/organ system--how tied in they are with the brain, and with thinking, and how malleable it all is, and what is possible with training.  It truly is bananas.


  1. Hi! I've just found out about your blog - coming from a link from strabismusworld, mentioning your initial syntonics experiment! Your last posts are just as exctiing as your very old ones! But I struggle to understand what your journey ahs been exactly; would you care to sum it up? What was your initial condition? What problems did you have, still have? What kind of therapy did you go though? Thanks so much for your time! This is all very exciting.

    1. Sum up the journey?

      It's pretty well summed up in an entry called 'Crazy things can be achieved with ramps' back in September.

      But yeah. Basically, started about ten years ago. Had a vision therapist for a year, but quit because it's so expensive. Did vision therapy on my own. Did a lot of experimentation. Took a lot longer than I would have hoped for. But now it seems like I'm pretty close to end of the journey.

      Initial condition? Hypertropia and esotropia.

      What kind of therapy? Lots. Lots of Brock String, fixation cards. Vivid Vision (software). Light tube stuff. There's a whole host of exercises I've done that are outlined through this blog. Ironically, I've seen the most progress when not doing explicit vision therapy. A lot of it is inventing exercises and things that stretch my abilities during the day. Once you figure out what vision therapy exercises do, you can improvise exercises pretty easily.

      It is exciting. I'm glad to hear that some people find it useful.
