Saturday, August 11, 2018

How is VT like meditation?

Think I noticed a similarity between vision therapy and meditation.  And the similarity is this: vision therapy teaches you how you're supposed to use your eyes, and meditation teaches you how you're supposed to use your consciousness.

The interesting consequence of this is that once you've properly assimilated the lessons that vision therapy has to offer, you kind of don't need to do it anymore.  You're now doing it all of the time, and it can no longer be considered therapy.  The newer, and better way of using your eyes becomes absorbed in who you are, and you don't have to manually do Brock String, or fixation card exercises.

Same with meditation.  Once you really know what meditation teaches you, you can do it anytime.  You don't have to be sitting on a cushion.  Sometimes I will think to myself 'shit, I didn't meditate today.'.  But then I realize, why can't I just maintain the mindfulness anyway?  When I have that realization, I can have a normal amazing day which normally happens on days that begin with a good meditation session.  You can meditate all of the time.  When you've absorbed the lessons, it becomes a part of who you are.

Sort of reminds me of a story I heard about Arnold Schwarzenegger.  He mentioned in a podcast with Tim Ferriss that he used to do Transcendental Meditation, got a lot out of it, but then stopped.  But the positive effects of having learned it continue to this current day.  TM permanently changed him.  It was like firmware upgrade, which probably has a fair amount to do with how much of a badass he is.

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