Sunday, April 1, 2018

Not dead. Still here. Still making progress.

Haven't been blogging because I honestly haven't been doing much explicit vision therapy.  But I have been making substantive progress.

I have been trying to do virtual reality somewhat regularly, which I do believe helps.  But the main reason I think that my vision is still improving is from all of those months of learning and experimenting with the fixation cards execises, playing with the eyes, and pressing down on the binocular button as much as consciously possible.

Those exercises have provided me with the feedback I needed, teaching me, even though I could never fuse, which direction to go in.  Once I learned that, I was able to use that information. So even though I'm not doing actual vision therapy exercises, I am moving myself in the correct direction, and therefore, I'm still making progress.

When am I going to get it?  I don't know.  Maybe I won't.  But I'm going to keep marching in the direction that I'm going in, because why not?  There's nothing to lose.  I'm not spending any time doing vision therapy.  I'm coasting.

Maybe it was unrealistic to expect changes so fast. 

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