Sunday, September 15, 2024

Optics Trainer appears to work

Damn.  Optics Trainer seems to work... like really well, especially for my amblyopia.  

So yeah, I've been doing around 20 minutes of vision therapy per day, and sometimes a few times a day.  I've been doing a few antisupression games like Bomb Boxing (in standing position punching bombs with different hands depending on their color (left for blue, red for right, and you avoid black bombs)), and this Ice Breaker game where you have a few pick-axes and you break green chunks of ice as they rise up in a vat of water.  I play these games in MFBF mode (I forget what those letters stand for).  But it's antisuppression mode, which means that some objects are visible only to one eye while other objects are visible to only the other eye.  It forces the eyes to work as a system.  

This particular setup seems to work ultra well, I suspect, because the objects are so close to you, and thus, the exercises have a large imprint on the retinas, and thus, it works on the periphery quite powerfully.  I told this to Josh, and basically told him that this software is far more powerful than anything else I've done, or have tried. 

As far as I know, Optics Trainer isn't implementing any new exotic vision therapy techniques.  It's the same old stuff, just very well implemented.  I've seen the power and potential of VR for vision training from the beginning.  The platform just gives developers so much control over the way photons land on the retinas.  Therein lies the power.  I have done Vivid Vision over ten years ago after I learned about James's story (he fixed his own vision, and gained stereo function with a combination of the Oculus Rift DK1 (first developer kit) and software he developed for it.  Amazing story.  Amazing man, that James.  As such, I got to know the guys a bit (we started chatting originally on Reddit), as well as some of the other guys on the team.  I even funded their Kickstarter so I could gain early access to the software.  And I did use it.  I'm sure it's in the blog somewhere.  This blog goes back a long ways.  

However, it didn't fix my vision.  I think I now understand why.  There was stuff that I had to figure out about my brain, and I basically figured out non-VT techniques to put my brain in a more pliable state.  I've outlined those things exhaustively in this blog, so I won't get into them now.  But what I'm getting at here is that my brain is now ready, and Optics Trainer works like none other.  Now, is it necessary for me to do all of those things now?  I'm not sure.  But I'm going to keep doing them.  My amblyopia has gone way down since I've been using Optics Trainer for the past few weeks.  I'm excited.  It works.  Let's see.  

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