Friday, June 30, 2023

Big perceived changes today

 Not so much in qualia but eyes seem straighter.  Changing my gaze from one object to another, I notice both eyes kind of automatically land close to where they should.  It feels awesome looking around.  

I'm going to stop talking about when this is going to happen, and just live my life and each moment.  I am really enjoying myself, and this journey at the moment.  Man, it feels good.  I feel like when I have that feeling, it's me moving in the right direction.  I've had a lot of those moments during the week.  And I suppose that's why I've had such a rewarding day: it's the payoff of having so many of those little 'feel-good' moments when noticing I'm using my eyes correctly, moving in the right direction, and stretching my capabilities. 

Monday, June 5, 2023

Over the hump

 There were previous blog entries where I talked about a type of regret that I didn't take my vision therapist's advise of using prism lenses, because of the speculation that it would have way cut down on the time it would take for me to achieve my goals.  I kinda sorta still have that regret.  But at this point, I don't think it matters, because I have much lower visual conflict these days, so the channel is really allowed to open up now.  

My vision feels so good these days, and things are moving so fast, I kind of want to say I will have achieved my goals in a month or two.  It'll probably be more like 6 or 12 months, but ... with the speed with which I'm seeing and feeling improvement ... it's hard to think that it will be that long.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Yep, things are definitely accelerating

 Today has been another holy shit day, especially when near the end.  Had a pretty long (almost 14 hour) shift today.  It's an extremely exciting time.