Friday, April 7, 2017

Crazy week

It's been a crazy week.  Crazy, but good.

It's been a week where I was noticing improvements almost every day through the week.

For one thing, I noticed that I stopped using my glasses when using my computer at work.   I just felt like they were unnecessary, and I could actually see better without them.

I've also noticed that around afternoon, my vision feels quite a bit more 'on'--like I'm using both eyes more and more.  At times I get a sense of some rivalry because teaming isn't yet perfect, and yet, suppression has gone down quite a lot.  I noticed that around Tuesday I think, as I'm looking around the office.  Then as the days went by, I noticed that I was getting into this state earlier and earlier into the day.  Changes are definitely occurring.  It's hard to know for sure whether they're positive, but I think they are.

A few weeks ago I noticed that was I looked at my security alarm panel on the wall in the distance, and then block the left eye's view of the security alarm with  my thumb, I notice that I see the thumb and the security alarm superimposed on each other.  In other words, they're blending with each other.  It's like both the security alarm and my thumb are translucent.

I'm doing the fixation cards with prisms, modified Brock String, and Vivid Vision.  Sometimes I use four diopter prism with the fixation cards, sometimes it's seven, depending on the day, and depending on how much sleep I go.

I don't know.  It really feels like things are happening now.  It's pretty damn exciting, and a bit nerve-wracking.  How much longer do I have?  Can't say.  I don't know.  I'm just riding this wave.

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