Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rather large perceptual improvement

I noticed it midday today.

What was different about today?  I slept pretty well, and yet I was exhausted during lunch.  I usually use lunch time to log in 40 minutes of Diplopia with tDCS, but I skipped it to sleep.

It was during break walking down the hallway that I noticed that I had a rather long sustained attention on the lazy eye input.  It was double, but both of the streams were pretty sharp (left eye image is still a bit sharper), but the feeling and sensation was a bit jarring, and a bit unnerving, like I was about to go somewhere different.  I'd look at something nearby like my thumb--still single--look off in the distance, still relatively single, which means my eyes are converging and diverging with increasing facility.  I look down at my double left foot and notice that while it is still double, the images are superimposed on one another to higher degree than I recall ever seeing.

This was the most powerful perceptual change I've had that I can remember.  It's not stereopsis, but I'm on the right path.  I don't think it's going to happen in two months.  It will probably be another year or so.  But if I stick to it, I'll have stereopsis, and an entirely different way of looking at things.


  1. Hi. It's nice to see that you are perceiving more and more improvements. Did you went seeing an optometrist to run some tests and determine how your vision progressed since the last time?

    Personally, I noticed similar progress over time (more than a year with a not-so constant schedule) by using a Brock string, a prism bar, some cheap 3D lenses and the "Stereo blocks" game on my Android phone. Diplopia is still there but the images are really more closer than before. It's almost gone when looking at close objects (a few inches to meters away). but it's still noticeable when looking farther. Last time I went to the optometrist, she saw a good difference between before and after my work.

    I don't have a Rift right now but I would be curious to see how it would progress compared to my current setup. :)

    1. No. I haven't done any tests by an optometrist. The concern is that I don't want to waste money. They may provide me with information, but I only care about information I might get from them if it's actionable. Which I really doubt would be the case. 'Oh, your vision has improved by this much *gestures with both hands stretched away from one another*. That'll be $300 for the visit.'

      You know? I don't see the point.

      As for the rift... what I've been telling people is this: it's probably worth it to get the DK2 in my humble opinion--even if there's going to be a much better version out sometime this year. The DK2 is the best, and most powerful vision therapy device available right now. It's $350, which is a lot, but at the same time, it's really not a lot, if you compare it to the cost of vision therapy sessions with a professional. $350 is nothing. I already bought two of them. And I plan to get the commercial version when it comes out. It's worth it--especially when you consider that it can used for so many different things. To me it's a no-brainer.

    2. Hmmm, I understand your point: visits are a lot cheaper where I live so I can go there once in a couple of months to see my progress.

      My problem with getting a Rift right now is not really the price itself, but my current workstation really sucks so I need to get a good one.

    3. I recommend having a fairly beefy computer if you're going to be using ANY kind of virtual reality application. I have a very powerful computer and it runs everything really well--with the exception of the latest version of Diplopia, which is a bit laggy.

      I tried showing Diplopia to a friend with my laptop. It ran really poorly. Very low frame rate. I don't recommend doing VR on anything but a fairly powerful desktop.

      Even though the games are very basic, VR requires a lot of power for the illusion to work properly. You need power to get a good frame rate for the required levels of immersion.

  2. At this point do you know if there is any way I can get my hands on the Diplopia software? They are now Vivid Vision and sell only to clinics. Sad as the adoption rate is slower than I'd like and doesn't server my area.
