Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rather large perceptual improvement

I noticed it midday today.

What was different about today?  I slept pretty well, and yet I was exhausted during lunch.  I usually use lunch time to log in 40 minutes of Diplopia with tDCS, but I skipped it to sleep.

It was during break walking down the hallway that I noticed that I had a rather long sustained attention on the lazy eye input.  It was double, but both of the streams were pretty sharp (left eye image is still a bit sharper), but the feeling and sensation was a bit jarring, and a bit unnerving, like I was about to go somewhere different.  I'd look at something nearby like my thumb--still single--look off in the distance, still relatively single, which means my eyes are converging and diverging with increasing facility.  I look down at my double left foot and notice that while it is still double, the images are superimposed on one another to higher degree than I recall ever seeing.

This was the most powerful perceptual change I've had that I can remember.  It's not stereopsis, but I'm on the right path.  I don't think it's going to happen in two months.  It will probably be another year or so.  But if I stick to it, I'll have stereopsis, and an entirely different way of looking at things.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

More perceptual improvement

I was just on break and I noticed quite a lot to see.  My visual field just felt much larger, and there was just a lot more visual information than what I'm used to.  It was a bit overwhelming.

In the past two weeks I'd begun doing Diplopia with tDCS every day for around 40 minutes.  For about two months prior I had been experimenting with day off one day on, and two days off, two days on.  I think I'm at the point where my eyes can use the extra stimulation.

I've been noticing a pattern of weekly improvement in perception.  This week it began really Wowing me when playing Diplopia.  There are times when the paddle hits the ball, and it shoots off fireworks.  I hadn't mentioned that before, because I had barely registered them.  Now they're fairly stunning and spectacular.   Cars are looking bolder, and my whole visual field is quite a bit bigger.  There's noticeably less suppression when looking at nearer objects.  This is because objects appear differently from each eye particularly when looking at objects up close.  It's sort of trippy because occluding one eye's view doesn't really impede vision all that much.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Improvement with Breaker (Diplopia)

It's something that improves with some regularity.  In the past few weeks or so I've noticed a lot of improvement with this game.

The most obvious change is that I'm much better at it.  I've beaten the game in the past week a few times.  There's a level where you encounter bricks that take around ten hits to destroy.  It's quite challenging, because when you hit a brick vs hit the wall, the ball bounces off at a random angle.  That means that in order to hit the brick again, you have to adjust the paddle to hit the ball at a new angle so that you're able to hit it again... and again, and again.

Another thing that I'm noticing is that on some levels, the bricks come at you.  When they come at you, it's pretty trippy.  The feeling is very real, as though I could reach out and touch the bricks as they go past me.

The other thing that I notice is that I have much greater control of where I hit the ball.  I'm becoming much more aware of both input streams.  Diplopia is designed so that you need to use both eyes simultaneously in order to be successful at the game.  But if you are stereoblind, and you suppress, then it's hard to hit the ball, period.  Well, I've been able to hit the ball pretty easily for the past few months.  Now I'm just starting to get good at aiming the ball, and adjusting the angle with which the ball bounces off of the paddle.  The angle depends on where on the paddle the ball bounces from.  So it seems that I've graduated from barely being able to play, to getting fairly proficient.

It's interesting, because the way that the game makes it so that you need to use both eyes is that the paddle is seen with the right eye and the ball is seen with the left eye.  Well, now it seems that I'm pretty well aware of both simultaneously.  I was always semi-aware, but now the awareness is just stronger, more robust.  It's only going to get better too, I imagine.

So yeah, I'm happy.  Things are moving in the right direction still.  Just keep going.  As Winston Churchill said "If you're in hell, keep going."