Thursday, June 5, 2014

#342 session: sweet spot

I've been experimenting with different amounts of stimulation.  I think I may have hit a good amount of exercise.  It's definitely possible to get too much.

It works out to a two day on, one day off schedule.  The days in which I do VT, I will spend 11 minutes in the closet doing Finger Monster exercises, about three minutes with Clown Saccades, and then another 11 minutes doing antisuppression solitaire.  I do that two days in a row.  On my day off, I do five minutes of Finger Monster.

This seems to be the sweet spot.  Man, antisuppression solitaire was looking good yesterday.  It's a great feedback exercise since it lets me very clearly see the suppression (manifested as black).

Today is a pretty good eye day.  The last few days have been, actually, particularly when I get home in the evening, walking to and from my house, looking at the cars in the driveway, and feeling their presence, proximity, and realness.

I've been getting some irritation lately from the contacts.  I get some major red eye, particularly on the astigmatism left eye.  I've been only using a contact lens on the right eye as a result.  That seems to make the biggest difference, since that eye is myopic.  There are no issues for objects near me, but things don't seem to get sharp as they should for objects far away.  So I keep it in.  Plus, I want to keep my refraction relatively constant while I do vision therapy.  We know that refraction can screw up alignment via the accommodation reflex.

This is something I actually heard that LASIK can do--cause strabismus by altering the refraction of the eye.  All of the systems are tied together.  So I'll try to keep my contacts in, keep the refraction constant, until I achieve my goals.  I'll probably always use at least the negative lens on my myopic eye unless I get LASIK.  If LASIK gives me strabismus again, at least I'll know how to fix it.


  1. Just FYI—accommodation can be trained like other reflexes too. There's a lot of info on Alex Frauenfeld's website and how to improve myopia. LASIK is irreversible but learning active focus will help you regain better vision. Of course it's one more exercise to work on (pushing/pulling focus), but it gives you the advantage of only using contacts or glasses if/when you really need them instead of going through an irreversible surgery. If you have any questions about anything on that site I'd be happy to answer them.

    1. Thank you, Aaron. I'm definitely interested in that--at least at some point. I've seen some video on the Internet where a woman was talking about that, and how optometrists don't want people to know about that option. I'd imagine that ameliorating myopia would involve clenching and releasing the sphincter muscles, right?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That was a joke btw. There is a sphfincter muscle in the iris which helps regulate the admission of light into the eye. I just find it somewhat humorous that everyone has a sphincter in his eye.
