Saturday, August 19, 2017

Getting close to fusion

I probably have five entries titled something along the lines of 'focusing on fusion'.  It's something I've been focusing on lately, but in a different manner.  Lately, my strategy has been focusing on getting fixation on both eyes simultaneously, and today, I think I finally got that a little for the first time.

I've talked in entries past about how I can fix with one eye and the other eye is sort of just hanging along for the ride.  I can see through the non-fixing eye and its input is sort of lazily drifting around, while the fixing eye's is rock-solid.  Well, I've been using that drifting image as a means of feedback to know that I'm not fixing properly with that eye.  I can switch over to the drifting image, make it rock-solid, but then the other image starts drifting.  Whack-a-mole.  So the strategy has been to pay extremely close attention to that moment when there is a switchover from control of one eye to the other--sensitizing myself to that switchover--building on that ability.  It's extremely subtle and hard to detect the instant it happens.  But I've been getting better at it, and as I've gotten better at it, the less the non-fixing eye seems to drift around.  So I think that a good exercise to do.  It seems to be doing something.

Today near the end of the exercise--I did 20 minutes, but added another few because I was doing well--I actually was fixing with both eyes for a few moments.  Controlling both eyes independently simultaneously.  Singing and playing guitar at the same time.  It was feeble.  And surprisingly--the images weren't superimposed.  But **I** was definitely behind both eyes at the same time.  But if I can get to this state sooner next exercise, I should be able to build the motor ability of both-eye coordination to the point where I can increasingly easily get superimposition--err--fusion.

When I was doing the modified Brock String, I noticed I was definitely getting an X.  It was really satisfying.  One of the lines of the X was a little translucent, but it was the Xest X I'd yet experienced--an indicator of decreased suppression.

When I was doing Vivid Vision---there was a point where something came at me unexpectedly and I jumped and yet 'shit!!'.  I felt electricity jump through my arms.  That was the first time I had an experience quite like that in VR.  

Another thing I noticed I'm definitely getting blending.  When I superimpose things on each other--if they're different colors, like yellow and blue--it becomes green.  Blending.  So I have definitely come quite a ways.  The indicators are everywhere.  I'm going to keep doing this thing now.  Keep blogging and see where this goes.  Should be good.